About Me
My Journey into the unseen…
My journey into the unseen realms began when I was two years old, at least what I can remember of that journey.
According to the stories my mother told me, when I was two I carried the Universe around in a shoe box under my arm. Well, apparently, that’s what I thought I was doing. I can still remember what it looked like when I would look inside the box. Pretty much what the Universe looks like from pictures we see from space. When my mother asked me, what was in there and what I was going to with it, I replied’ “It’s the Universe and it’s my job to take care of it and protect it.” Well, that’s the story. I’m not sure I knew the word “universe” when I was two but I must have said something that my mother took to be the universe. Later, when I was five, when we got our first television the contents of the box became old western style guns! I was a big fan of Gene Autry and Zorro. I wanted to live in the geography I could see in those old TV shows. More about that later…

Those two images have stayed with me to this day; the Universe and the high desert.
Another impactful event occurred when I was two, my grandfather died. I remember him vividly. I also remember people telling me that now he was with God in Heaven. They would either look upward or point up when they would tell me that. To my mind, since I couldn’t see Heaven, or “God” for that matter, I figured Heaven must be on the other side of the clouds, the parts I couldn’t see. Again, I have a vivid memory of my Grandfather looking at a person all dressed in white, standing on a cloud, and then walking off into the blue sky and beyond, with that person. In my mind’s eye of course.
When I started looking back at my life to see how I got where I am today, those memories time always show up first and together.
School years followed and I remember my friends telling me that I talked about things in a “funny” way, that I was always calm. I wrote what I thought was a haiku in eighth grade. It goes like this; “Our imperfections are what make us perfect.” Perhaps not the usual thoughts of a thirteen-year-old girl.
I used to ponder the imponderable as a teenager. I often wondered if I would ever find friends who thought like I did.
Then came the years after school. I married, became pregnant with my first child and then left the corporate work place. It was at that time that I started meditating. I remember that I wanted my baby to be healthy and fully formed and couldn’t think of any other way to assist in that besides picturing it in all the stages of fetal development and holding those images in my mind and talking to the fetus about forming exactly as it was supposed to be. That was the beginning of me doing energy work long before I knew that was a thing.
Until my three children were in school full time I devoted myself and my time to caring for them which I loved to do. And then, in 1984 I was told about Rieke. I took the training and it set me off in a direction which really surprised me at the time. In order to understand the areas of energy healing, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and the influences of religions, cultures and history I started finding esoteric teachers. I studied energy and ritual healing from several native American teachers (that took some doing as they weren’t all that enthusiastic about training a white girl), Ancient Wisdom teachings of psychology, herbs, the Science of Meditation and metaphysics with Torkom Saraydarian, Reike and MariEl with Ethel Lombardi, Esoteric Psychology with Betty Bosdel and Carolyn Conger, psychology with Virginia Satir, Voice Dialogue with Hal and Sidra Winkleman, Sacred Geometry and Synergy with Bill Buehler, Essential Oils with Gary Young and his brother Dana Young, OrthoBionomy with Arthur Lincoln Pauls, The Power of Thought with Eugene Maury, South American plant medicine with a Shaman who hardly spoke English, I became an Avatar Star Master after my studies with Harry Palmer. I studied some Jungian psychology with Carl Greer. I studied the sciences associated with lay lines and minerals, some of the teachings of the Druids and the ancient history of sacred places ancient and contemporary, many of which I have visited. I studied the history and cultural influences throughout history and the effects of those influences.
Those studies have taken me all over this country and several foreign countries. I have had the experience of studying with all of those people I just mentioned in very intimate settings, often being the only student.
After I received the Rieke training I started my energy healing practice. This was in 1986 when there were very few people doing that type of work and my practice flourished. Within a year I opened Stillpoint Learning Center which, in addition to being a quiet professional place for me to work, supported other people working in the fields of holistic healing, meditation, whole food cooking, yoga. I also had the pleasure of hosting all the trainers I mentioned above with the exception of Torkom Saraydarian, Harry Palmer, Carl Greer and the Shamans. Those people had their own schools.
When my youngest child graduated I moved to Crestone, Colorado, a place that looked remarkably like the places I remembered from my childhood western TV experiences, the High Desert. After several years I moved to the High Desert town of Bend, Oregon.
I practiced energy work and esoteric psychology until 2019. At that time I was commuting between Chicago and Bend, OR for a week each month and then it was time to change out of my travel life. When I asked myself what I wanted to do my answer was to teach the metaphysical principles of energy and beliefs, of cellular memory, of expansion and contraction, the effects of unconscious beliefs, of being deliberate with our thoughts, beliefs and creations, of choice in what we think, what we believe and how those effect our sense of peace, health, finances and our enjoyment of life.
And I call that practice Reality Management ®