Is This All There Is?
What Is My Purpose?
Why Am I Here?

How It Works!

Reality Management ® will teach you how to know, with certainty, when you are functioning out of a limiting belief.  Limiting beliefs cause us to feel uncomfortable, make mistakes, make decisions which don’t really serve us, have doubts and fears.  Often limiting beliefs are unconscious so we don’t know how to recognize them or think about them.  We simply react because of them.  As a result of this course you will learn how to notice when any limiting beliefs are limiting your full participation in your life, conscious or unconscious, and what to do to shift out of them, should you choose to,  and then shift into a deliberate state of mind.  You will learn my understanding of how the metaphysics of our vibrational field works and how to work with it to create the reality you want.  You will also learn how to deeply understand what you want on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.  I will help you.

You will be establishing solid habits in deliberately making empowering decisions and integrating the effects of that practice.  We will be working one-on-one twice a week for the first eight weeks and at least once a week for the rest of the course.  During those one-on-one sessions you will receive frequent support in how to notice when you are in a state of contraction and what to do about it. I will be there with you to help you build this new powerful state of mind.

Over the past 36 years I have developed step by step, effective, reliable, exercises, simple to use and remember.  Now, I’ve put them together in this easy to integrate course, Reality Management ®️. Those exercises are designed to become a part of your daily life and produce the ability for you to create deliberate decisions and take deliberate actions.  You will hear me refer to them as “The Program”.  I will help you integrate The Program into your daily life,

You will learn my understanding of your esoteric psychology and how it effects your creation process.  This understanding will probably be new to you.  Additionally, you will have a new understanding of the metaphysics of your energy field.  This understanding is the result of over three decades of intense study of metaphysics, sacred geometry, esoteric psychology, energy medicine, cellular medicine, meditation, yoga and a little brain science,

At the end of the first eight weeks you will also receive one session of “Remembering the Future”℠
Remembering the Future ℠ is a process I have been given and it does just what the title says.  This is a guided process and generally takes three weeks to prepare.

Twelve weeks before the end of your course I will deliver the first 11 sessions of the Awakening Andromeda ® By that time, you will have developed solid skills in noticing, being aware, being deliberate and decisive.  You will also have learned how to engage with the harmonious rhythms of the meta-universe so you can determine if you are making really intelligent decisions or if you are making decisions which don’t actually support you or anyone else!

Awakening Andromeda® Phases 1 & 2 are delivered over the last 12 weeks of this method and consists of eleven one-on-one sessions of the Awakening Andromeda®  This is an energy transmission process which deactivates traumatic vibrational memories inherited from your ancestors and stored in your cells.  These cellular vibrational memories have created unconscious limiting beliefs.  Once released, those vibrational memories can no longer support the limiting beliefs. After the release their effects simply disappear.

By the time you have completed the first four months of Reality Management ®, you will already have a solid understanding of the concept of cellular memory and inherited cellular memory and their effects on your thinking.  With the skills you’ve learned from Reality Management ® and literally the space you will have regained in your cells from the Awakening Andromeda® you will have a better understanding of your life, how you fit in it and the contribution you are and want to be making as a more expanded responsible citizen of this planet.

If you have studied other methods and had only temporary results you might be having some doubts.

If you are concerned that this course won’t work for you let me tell you why it will.

It will work because I will work with you one-on-one twice a week for the first two months then at least once a week every week until the end of your course.

It will work because You will be given many exercises to develop reliable skills at a pace you can easily manage and integrate into your daily life.

It will work because during our sessions I will point out how to use the exercises and how to improve your skills in noticing the effects of the exercises.

You will learn the effectiveness of how Being Deliberate Creates Peace℠ and how and why creating Anchor Images ℠
will change all the ideas you’ve had about creating the life you want deep down inside, additionally you will receive one session of Remembering the Future℠ as a bonus.  And, then, there’s the 11 sessions of the Awakening Andromeda℠ with an additional session for closure.

All this in the 6-month basic program.

You may have tried other methods and have found them to be neither long lasting nor effective.  As you diligently work this program, before you are half way through, you will have so much evidence that this methodology works that you won’t want to stop using it.

You will experience a new relationship with yourself, your life, yourself and whatever you recognize as a “Power Greater Than Yourself”.   You will be able to release doubts and fears. You will learn how to discern whether or not your wants and desires are in alignment with harmony and expansion. Think about the freedom of that.

You will be able to look at your life up to now and forever more with acceptance and gratitude.  You will be able to do this even when you think you might have made a serious mistake or if something truly upsetting and disturbing has happened.  I will help point that out as your skills develop during our sessions until you learn how to do that for yourself.

You will learn to know what to do in any situation and with anybody.  I’ll help you to review your days as you learn how to do this for yourself.

You will understand how the infinite intelligence of the meta physical world is always working to advance your compassion, loving kindness, connection and expansion.

You will learn these things more and more, day by day.


Phase One:  Being Deliberate Creates Peace℠ – two months – $4,000

Upon completion of phase one the student will qualify for the following:

Phase Two:  Remembering the Future℠ – one month – $1,000

Upon completion of phase two the student will qualify for the following:

Phase Three – Awakening Andromeda℠ – 12 weeks $3,000

Optional 6 session training in the Science of Meditation which includes 6 one on one meditation sessions, the Science of Meditation book by Torkum Sayraydarian. And the Science of Meditation workbook, by Judith Ann Arbetter, $1,500

Book your initial interview to see if you are a good fit for this program.